Way Kambas National ParkWay Kambas National Park is Fascination Lampung Tourism, the national park is a preserved natural area with a native ecosystem, which is managed by the zoning system which will dimamfaatkan for the purposes of research, science, education, and one tourist destination objects, and places of recreation. Zoning system is above that of national parks in use to put limits in management as a national park. For that an area of at least nasinal park consists of four zones:
a. Absolute core zone is the area that must be protected, to prevent a change caused by human activity.
b. Jungle zone is the area that protects the core zone, because in the core zone is not physically arrives dibolehkn building a permanent shape.
c. Development zone is a special area for the development of natural tourist attraction, as a suggestion and infrastructure allowed for this zone, but the rules have been established, and should make a visit to abide by the rules that have been established, so that the integrity and authenticity is maintained as national parks.
d. Buffer zone is an area that is used as a fortress to protect the national park area as a whole.
a. Absolute core zone is the area that must be protected, to prevent a change caused by human activity.
b. Jungle zone is the area that protects the core zone, because in the core zone is not physically arrives dibolehkn building a permanent shape.
c. Development zone is a special area for the development of natural tourist attraction, as a suggestion and infrastructure allowed for this zone, but the rules have been established, and should make a visit to abide by the rules that have been established, so that the integrity and authenticity is maintained as national parks.
d. Buffer zone is an area that is used as a fortress to protect the national park area as a whole.
National park is a natural tourist attraction, in terms of types of natural resources that have a variety of natural attractions in Indonesia, such as mountains, beaches, marine parks, waterfalls, lakes, and natural scenery. Then in terms of the subject can differentiate the function and management of supplies of natural resources we can distinguish, for example national parks, theme parks, marine parks, forest highways, recreational parks, plantations, and so on.As we all know that the park is a natural tourist attraction which functioned as a nature conservation area, because this park has the potential and attractiveness for tourists, the utility can create a sense of love for nature, it is necessary cultivated, because it has the following functions:
a. Can maintain a balance ekositem
b. Can protect the diversity of flora and fauna contained area of the park nasioanal
Way Kambas National Park
Initially the status of Way Kambas National Park area is a wildlife sanctuary in 1924, then increased memnjadi nature reserve in 1937, according to the Dutch Indies Governor Decree No. 14 Stbl 1937 January 26, 1937. later in 1989 through a Ministerial Decree No.444 / Menhut/II/1989, the area was declared a National Park.Way Kambas National Park with an area of 1.30.000 ha are currently managed by the Natural Resources Conservation Center Level I Lampung province, most of which is a slightly undulating plains with an altitude varying from 0-98 meters above sea level, with a two distinct seasons, rainy season between the months of April and Okbober until the dry season between May to September.Way Kambas National Park has a fairly high potential for tourism with the natural beauty that is quite interesting and varied, ranging from the beauty of nature, ecosystems, magrove forest, beach forest, rain forest, lowland and others all of which can be enjoyed by scour the river- large rivers around Way Kambas National Park, such as Panet and Way Way Wako using speed motor boats Board.Way Kambas National Park has some pretty interesting potential utuk visited by both domestic and foreign tourists because of this park are:1. The types of fauna found in this area consists of various species of wildlife are world renowned for example;
- Sumatran tiger (Panthera sumatrae)
-Asian Wild Dog (Cuon Apinus)
- Tapir (Tapirus indicus)
- Rhino
Sumatran elephant (Elephans Maximus Sumateranus) tails that are still as many as 250 wild and 121 tails that have been tamed
Six species of primate, which is kind of monkey is a huge potential, so that in 1983 organized a course to educate the cadre of primates in the field of primate conservation. The sixth type is the Ape, Borneo gibbon, monkey, ape, Beruk, Siumpai.
Types of reptiles that can be encountered is that there are alligators in the swamps and rivers mnyebar in Way Kambas National Park area.
This garden bird species reach the 286 + species of birds, such as white storks, Rangkok, black-crested Ibis, pecuk snakes, king prawns and other

In the Way Kambas National Park area there are also the Elephant Training Center (Elephant Training Centre) with an area of 500 ha + operated starting on August 29, 1985. in this area, tourists can witness how the elephant which was originally wild, but can be tamed and trained to be companions to make the attractions and leisure and also for other purposes. So with no activity of the one that appeals to tourists in increasing tourism by displaying a variety of activities, such as:
Visitors can ride the elephant with a picture together.
Watching soccer Elephant, Elephant race, and tug of war with elephant
Elephant Safari with reute already determined and the event was very popular with tourists
Watching forms elephant (in a package of attractions featuring 14 kinds of demonstration.)
Elephants swimming runway while resting in Pasangrahan.
Can see elephants being trained, bath and tethered.
2. Flora types contained in the Way Kambas National Park such as;Based ecosystem dominatedo Mangrove Forest, such as fires, Rhizophorasp Nipah, along the Way Kambas, Sekapuk, Wako, Way Pegadungano Swamp Forest, such as Geam, Nibung, at Wako and Way Way Blue Panet.o like Ketapang Forest Beach, Sea Pines, Pandan, which terdpat along the coast from Kuala Penet until Kuala as white.o lowland forests such as Meranti, Regards, Rawang, oil contained in the New Susukan, signpost Ijo, Right Way, Rantau Jaya Ilir, Rasau, and surrounding areas.Based Vegetation Typeo secondary forest consisting of Meranti, Oil, Sempur, Suren, Puspa, Jabon, Rengas.o Swamp or wet areas, such as Nibung, red host, and the type of grass.o Plants Reforestation on vegetation Reed; Lamtogung, Kaliandra, and Guava Monkey.From the above explanation of natural potential of Way Kambas National Park which has a high ekonois value, then the region can become a tourist attraction in both domestic and abroad, whether for recreation, research, observation, nature tours and so on.For tourists who want to visit this national park, can be reached by using public vehicles or a bus tour with a crossing route that is:1. Cape of coral-Metro - Labuhan old queen - (+ 100 Km Km) and takes about 5 hours.2. Tanjung reef - Sibowono - Labuhan queen Lam (+ 80 km) and takes about 4 hours.Way Kambas National Park for oarng / tourists who want to enter the park in the quotation as a token entry fee of Rp. 5000 / person, from the results of this quote akn dipergunankan for the management of Way Kambas National Park.If we draw a conclusion that the national parks is affecting local revenues for local and provincial governments will affect regional development in the presence of such income, so this park is well managed, which is authorized to Hall tingat conservation of natural resources of the Province of Lampung.In addition to the disruption of the existing wild elephant in Way Kambas National Park region, in the management of Park Way Kambas Nasinal make the loss of habitat is continuous, then from the result of forests kebekaran that occur each year, despite patrols continued efforts to anticipate to the barriers this, but has not been masimal because the location of the remote post and lack of interest the development of national parks has become something to be proud of as a place of tourism development and tourist destination in addition to elephant training center in Way Kambas National cropping area.The efforts made in managing and developing the Way Kambas National Park in overcoming management problems, then try the following efforts:1. Zoning division, in a split zoning in pengeloaan consisting of a core zone, development zone and other zones of the divisions created by the Sub yag Conservation Center Way Kambas natural resources as the area management.2. Nature conservation, namely to maintain the environment from damage caused by disruption Elephants, especially trees that shade is a resting place for visitors and accommodation where elephants are placed, the response has been attempted installation of barbed wire fence, so that disruption can be overcome elephant. Elephant Training Center is a tourist attraction that is drawing a lot of tourists visit for recreation, this attraction should be developed both the infrastructure and facilities, therefore pemrintah, private and community were supporting, so it became a major tourist attraction in Way Kambas National Park.3. To overcome the problem of elephant food, while the midrib was achieved by replacing the coconut with grass, it has conducted outreach to surrounding communities to grow, and the responses were positive and caring community for the management of Way Kambas National Park, with the cooperation and is the responsibility of the Head Way Kambas National Park in order to ensure all activities both within and near Way Kambas National Park, to the management of National Parks and become better coordinated and effective.4. The following efforts undertaken in developing the attraction Way Kambas National Park, among others;
allocation of activities according to the zones specified in the Way Kambas National Park.
Protection of natural wealth and diversity of flora and fauna that exist in the Way Kambas National Park.
Improving the promotion system, especially with regard to natural tourist attraction Nasionala Park Way Kambas.
5. Development of infrastructure objects and attractions that require the participation of various agencies involved, both business and society by creating products for the needs of tourists, such as providing souvenirs, food and beverages, accommodations, so the role of society as a host in receiving tourists is very important in improving traffic flow into the park, here the necessary investment for those who care about tourism, for example bureau journey, accommodation, and cultural attractions that exist around objects Way Kambas National Park, in welcoming the arrival of tourists both domestic and foreign .Provincial Government of the Province of Lampung continually strive to develop tourism by optimizing the attractions that exist within government programs mengsukseskan of the tourism sector, for mengsukseskan effort is certainly not independent of the role of the community. Most people are very supportive of this government program, with proven every year the parade is always held an attraction Elephant Elephants in Lampung.This can bring a positive impact on the influence for tourists to come to this attraction, tourists will come to see the attraction of elephants in Lampung, thus might have some influence on society because it can create jobs by trying to prepare for the tourists such as the building's needs accommodation, restaurant , souvenirs and other assessments that are melayanai needs of tourists.Apparently the attitude of the people who already understand about the role of tourism brought changes to the social community, economic and cultural preservation as well as the customs of many tourists who come to this attraction and also increase foreign exchange income.Therefore, the government and society at large expect Lampung province of tourists and foreign tourists to come visiting national parks, the government together with the community continues to apply the Sapta Enchantment and melestarkan sights of nature, art and culture which is the national identity and pride.
In the discussion of the national park above, then the writer can draw a conclusion that is expected to encourage the development of tourism in developing human mobility and foster the creation and maintenance of the natural tourist attraction.Attractions in Way Kambas Lampung province is still largely in the potential to be further cultivated to become a tourist attraction ore interesting.Way Kambas National Park is one of the national parks that have a natural attraction, because it has a flora and fauna that are not owned in other areas, such as elephant training place, while the park management efforts there are still obstacles in the environment such as disturbance of wild elephants, limitations manakan prasarana.Dalam elephant facilities and coaching and development efforts Way Kambas National Park kanwail local government and forestry and tourism department can give great attention to this park, in order to bring more tourism.